Saturday, June 25, 2005

Who Says Brown is Boring?

So Dark;
Spirals of Chocolate Creme
Cascading around the face.
So Deep;
Pools of molten Molasses
And of Honey,
Just a Trace.
A Dream;
Ebony Surrounds the Soul,
Globes of fire encased.
But in the face
Is just a trace
Of pain hidden by shadows;
Of loneliness covered by smiles;
Of Want hidden by Chocolate Creme...
Chocolate, honey, molasses and ebony
Are so sweet it may seem
That there are no imperfections~
But I know.
I can see through the molasses into the fire.
I can see your soul.


Has anyone heard of the movie "Lunch with Charles?". I've been told it is very good and I can't find a copy anywhere.

Friday, June 24, 2005

On Perception of Reality

Wow, it's been slow here today. Okay. time for another brain bender.
When you look at the sky, you see the color blue. When someone else looks at the sky, they see the color blue. A third person comes along and agrees that the sky is blue. How do you know that you're all seeing the same color, in it's exactness? The color that you percieve as blue may be what the next sees as green or yellow. But you all agree that the sky is the color blue because that is the name given to the color of the sky. So how do you know what the color actually is to someone else? Can you really know that without a doubt you are seeing the same color?

Another and Another and Another

Well... another day in the life of me. Yay. I'm just jumping with enthusiasm. Here's a little piece of poetry I put together. Just for sh*ts and giggles.

Oh, you're tired? Have another...
Wait; you're bored? Have another...
You're getting loud. Have another...
What did you call me? Have another...
Please don't wake her. Have another...
Why can't you respect me? Have another...
What did I do? Have another...
You hurt me... Have another...
I hate you for it. Have another...
My jaw hurts... Have another...
You're sorry?! I guess you shouldn't have had another.

Friday, June 17, 2005

A Dream is a Dream or is it?

Some would say a dream is the subconscious playing tricks on us. A dream is a reality our own minds create during sleep, seeming so real, sometimes it's hard to tell Where the dream world stops and the real world begins (During the first waking moments following REM sleep). Every dream we have is controlled in some degree by our subconscious, being bits of information stored that we are sorting through combined with our personal wants and desires and fears. If the dream itself is created by our own minds with pieces of reality as it's basis, then is the dream our personal reality amplified?