Friday, June 24, 2005

On Perception of Reality

Wow, it's been slow here today. Okay. time for another brain bender.
When you look at the sky, you see the color blue. When someone else looks at the sky, they see the color blue. A third person comes along and agrees that the sky is blue. How do you know that you're all seeing the same color, in it's exactness? The color that you percieve as blue may be what the next sees as green or yellow. But you all agree that the sky is the color blue because that is the name given to the color of the sky. So how do you know what the color actually is to someone else? Can you really know that without a doubt you are seeing the same color?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh. My. Goodness.

I never thought anyone thought about that! That's... Wow. Someone else wonders the crazy things I do. You made my day.

By the way, thanks for the hugs.

6:38 PM  
Blogger _Eve_ said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one that ponders these things. It's refreshing to know that people still use their minds. Most of the time, when a subject like that arises, people look at you like you've lost your mind, and they never stop to actually think about an answer to the question presented. What I'm attempting to do is to get people to think. I thought it would be interesting to see how other people percieve their reality, or their life. To stop and smell the roses, so to speak. Most people have such a routine existance; work, home, family, dinner, bed, repeat, repeat, repeat...a seemingly endless cycle. They never think about the very fabric of their existance, variables, cause and effect, symbolism, dimension, etc.; the very things that make us human."The mind is a terrible thing to waste".

11:22 AM  

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